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12 Must-Know Meditation Tips For Beginners
Meditation is a great way to boost your health, improve your mood, and feel more connected to those around you. But it can be difficult to figure out how to get started
1. Go into your meditation practice without expectations
2. Choose a time to meditate, and stick to it
3. Create a designated space to meditate
4. Take a couple moments to wind down and clear your mind
5. Start with a few deep breaths to calm the body
6. Try not to fidget or move too much during meditation
7. Just breathe
8. Be kind to yourself — some days will be easier than others
9. Slowly reintroduce movement after meditating
10. Acknowledge your emotions
11. Come back the next day, even if you don’t feel like it
12. Try guided meditation apps or take a classClick here to read the full story