103 Days to Better Health on 103.5 WRBO with Psipher Wellness

103.5 WRBO has teamed up with Psipher Wellness Group
for the 103 Days to Better Health.

Start the New Year off right with making better decisions for your overall health. Yvan Mari, our in-house fitness coach, is guiding us to better living.

Week 8: Meditation: How To Meditate and Its Health Benefits

Week 1: S.M.A.R.T. Goals | Week 2: Consistency | Week 3: Making Fitness Work With A Busy Lifestyle | Week 4: Using Technology To Reach Your Fitness Goals | Week 5: Psipher Wellness Group App | Week 6: Hair On The Go | Week 7: Juicing

When it comes to fitness, Psipher Wellness Group can make sure you never have to make another fitness resolution.
Click here for more information on Psipher Wellness Group.
