A return of Freaknik? | Atlanta Buzz with Jennifer Brett

Freaknik thrived during the early 1990s but by 1995 authorities started cracking down.

“Peachtree, Cascade, Piedmont and Monroe were favored destinations,” the AJC’s Christian Boone reported in 2010. “So were Underground, Lenox Square and Greenbriar, where a Rich’s was looted during Freaknik ‘95. That year police reported more than 2,000 crimes, from indecent exposure to looting to rape.”

Attempted Freaknik comebacks pop up on social media from time to time, including around the time of the 2010 report. At the time, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed didn’t sound interested in Freaknik 2.0.

“There will not be a takeover of Atlanta under my watch,” he said then.

Read the full story (source): A return of Freaknik? | Atlanta Buzz with Jennifer Brett
